As the drama between Tolanibaj and Vee during the 3rd episode of the reunion show continued to heat up, Neo gets dragged into their fight.
Tolanibaj accuses Neo of being the real reason the whole misunderstanding started.
According to Tolanibaj, Neo was the one who first indicated interest in her which triggered an idea in her.
Tbaj claimed that she was never interested in Neo but when she heard that he liked her, she decided to use him to make Prince jealous.
Narrating how it happened, Tolanibaj revealed that Neo had confided in Erica about his attraction towards Tolanibaj who in turn told Tolanibaj about it.
Tolanibaj also stated another instance where Neo randomly asked her if she liked PDA (Public Display of Love).
In conclusion, she never would have considered Neo as he wasn’t her type.
Neo in response said he was never interested in Tolanibaj because she wasn’t the type he would normally go for and she was only being bitter as he reciprocate what she wanted.
This got Tolanibaj really upset which resulted to things escalating between them and the two started exchanging words.
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